Undergraduate School

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Undergrad is the biggest change a student will experience during their education journey. That was definitely the case for me. The jump from school to a degree can be drastic for many. That being said it is a time which you will never get back. You must utilize it to make make most of in all aspects of life be it career, friends, setting your goals or life in general.

I have compiled my best experiences and tips that have helped me make most of college.

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Grad School

11 CV Mistakes Every Student Should Avoid

Writing a CV can be a daunting experience for many. While doing so a lot of students make some common mistakes that are easily avoidable. Encompassing your entire student life and experiences pertaining to an internship or job and putting it in two pages can definitely be a challenge for many. Having faced similar issues and looking back at them, I must say they were easily

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Review of Grammarly Premium VS Grammarly Normal

Review of Grammarly Premium VS Grammarly Free (2023)

Grammarly is the bread and butter of my everyday writing tasks. It is an online spelling, grammar and plagiarism checker released in 2009. Writing an email, jotting down thoughts for my blog posts, writing papers for college, and even writing comments. You name it! There is not one place where I did not put it into use. But to do so, I have been using the free

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5 Useful Tools Every Engineering Student Should Learn

As a student of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics aka the STEM field learning basic tools from early on can go a long way. These tools can facilitate your college life to the next level. I was Introduced to these tools while on my internships. I was so surprised as to why they were not taught in college. They should be. These tools can make

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Grad School

5 Greatest Research Tools Every Graduate Student Needs

As a graduate student, you need various tools to help you with your research. These tools not only make life simpler, but they can also step up your research to the next level by making tasks that otherwise seem strenuous easier. After going through various internships, I faced a lot of issues when it came to editing the grammar of a paper or a project

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7 Best Steps to Write a Cover Letter for Research Internships

You have to agree that a cover letter is essential for any form of application. All undergrad students must know how to write a cover letter because sooner or later they will apply for internships or even jobs. A good cover letter is a gateway towards wonderful opportunities. Surfing through the internet I could find many samples of cover letters but rarely any articles on

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11 CV Mistakes Every Student Should Avoid

How to Write Undergraduate CV for Internships

Being a freshman in college you probably have no idea on how to write a CV for internships. Even if you have had your fair share of internships, writing a good CV becomes a hectic process. The vast array of formats online can perfectly complete the task of overwhelming anyone and can be quite frightening for a newer audience. I have been where you are right

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